Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Breakup Buddy

It was the summer of 2010 and you would have thought love was in the air. But it wasn't. I thought I had found the love of my life and well, he didn't.  We had a tumultuous breakup with a lot of getting back together, breaking up again and when finally I threw his things in a box and burned it all, I knew it was over.

I never forgot the moment when I dropped the tissues, stopped eating the haagen dazs and finally got out of bed. My friends had tried everything from chocolate to tequila shots but nothing works. Finally, one of them brought over their adopted puppy and it all clicked.  Buddy was a tiny little beagle that was sooooo cuuuute!  I went running with him in the morning. Snuggled with him at night. I think his actual owner actually got a little jealous of me at times. At least, I was the one to play with him and run around with him but never did any of the hard work.

It was the best summer ever. I had a dog to play with on-demand (you wouldn't want me to start wallowing again would you?) and never had to take care of him. It was the best summer ever!  I wish I could return to that... without having to go through a breakup... that's why I was ECSTATIC to help start PuppyCopter!!!!